Saturday, October 18, 2014


A beautiful Fall morning.....just right for a football off to watch Scottie play football this morning.....he will be 13 tomorrow and I am so proud of him.  Karrie brought me home and decided she needed to vacum and shovel dog poop as I kept her  2 dogs over the weekend.....I told her to leave the dusting to me, but I don't mind a little dust!
Are you looking forward to what lies ahead in your life....or living on past memories? "Life becomes worth living only to the man who has learned, as he surveys the work of the day just past, to look forward with enthusiasm to the next day's task.  It is the entire pattern that makes life worth living.  No part of living can stand for the whole.  No moment of living can take the place of the long surge and sweep of living through the years." many times have you thought....."I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant?"

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