Wednesday, October 8, 2014


It doesn't take long to turn into the culture you are submerged in.  Here are Sherrie and Darren in their hats etc.  They are leaving for home today, but won't get here until late tomorrow night.  The kids and dogs are getting lonesome as two weeks is a long time to put up with GRANDMA....I am so anxious to hear all the fun things they got to do.......  The boys have been so good and I have had such a nice visit with both of them.  I dread going home and facing the hastle of finding a new place to live that I can handle money wise and moving wise!!!!!  Just talked to Lucille.....the mother of the bride.....she is warn out and had to feed missionaries tonight and get ready for a house full of company coming in on Friday for the wedding.  Becky is in her 50s and this is her first marriage special for the family of six kids.  Talked to Karrie and Pam so made my day and know Sherrie is out there in Peru somewhere packing to come home......

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