Thursday, October 30, 2014


I don't know about the rest of you seniors but I am starting to keep up with my grandkids......I think back over all those years growing up, raising my family and entering the twilight years and I did fine with none of the gadgets these kids live by........A radio and a phonograph were wonderful.  My kids got together I think and started giving me these wonderful gadgets......that now very much a part of my life......A DVD was fun only the movies were kinda expensive........ Then I got a KINDLE to read books whenever and wherever I wanted.......Then came my wonderful LAP TOP Computer.....I never did learn much on the big computer in the den but my granddaughter who was living with me launched me immediately on my new laptop.  She signed me up for Facebook, started me off on blogging, Pinterest and lots of fun games.......Oh yes, and taught me how to email.......Then they gave me the CELL PHONE.....which I am still learning......but I can read and send texts and that seems to be enough to get me by......I do not want one of those new fancy things that do everything and gives you details about everything except the bowel movements of the entire next generation.....which I guess you could go to search and find that out if you really wanted to!......Got a GPS because they thought my sister and I needed one for a road trip we were taking.....I don't mind asking for directions........but it did look good sitting on the dash board of our rental car.......but the lady......we named her Mertal......was  very annoying and the rudest person.  Every 10 minutes she would say sarcastically, ......"Re-calc-u-lating"........You would think she could be a little nicer!  We were not always happy on her choices of routes.......CORDLESS PHONES can be a pain when you can never find them.....I grew up and our phone was hooked to the wall and it never got lost or needed to be re-charged!......AND a discussion with the kids about my information being stored on a CLOUD.....did not make me happy......what if my cloud floated over to Russia or somewhere dangerous????? When you go grocery have to make the decision.....paper or plastic.....I just tell them it doesn't matter to me....I am bi-sacksual!"......most of them don't get it?    I have some cloth bags.....but never remember to take them with me.  The last wonderful toy I got is my IPAD.....which I am hooked on....MAN I can do everything on that little toy.......Instagram keeps me up on the latest along with Facebook, Pinterest, Houzz and a dozen other APTS! It is scarey to think what else I have to learn to be able to communicate with my grandkids and kids.
Nice afternoon with Bonnie and Shirley checking out Bonnie's new place.....then off to Home Depot and bought Pansies and planted my pots for Spring. And packing....packing......packing.

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