Saturday, October 4, 2014


This cute couple has been gone a week out touring Peru.......We are lonesome and they have another week to go......Grandma is in charge!!!!
"Hypnagogia"  learned a new word today....a highly creative state of mind between sleeping and wakefulness.....Like Day Dreaming.
Having a rough morning?  Place your hand over your heart;  Feel that?  That is called purpose.  You are alive for a reason......don't give up.
"Sometimes God closes doors because it's time to MOVE forward......He knows you won't move unless your circumstances force you.  Trust the transition....Gods got you!!!!"  I read things like that and hope they are the omen I need to feel I should move out of my house with all the knees are giving out and I don't want to fall.
Busy weekend running back to Salt my mail, watered plants, and got some warm cloths to take back to Vernal tomorrow.  Pam came over and helped me update my IPAD and Karrie came and got Ken for the afternoon to play with Scott......I miss seeing my kids more.

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