Monday, October 6, 2014


Well, been 10 days since I got to Vernal and I am beginning to be part of the neighborhood........When I am driving into Walmart in Sherrie's Cadillac station wagon, everyone along the way knows the Christenson's car and they I always wave back  I got to the post office last week and love Walmart, Joans and TJ Maxx!!!!I grew up neighboring the Indian Reservation in Colorado's 4 Corners area, so feel right at home with the next door neighboring reservation here and Indians around. Love the following story and this picture with his wonderful turquoise jewelry brought back lots of memories.
             An elderly lady lived on the edge of the reservation and drove into the little town to pick up a few supplies. On the way home she saw an old squaw walking back to the reservation and stopped to give her a lift.  The squaw got in and they rode in silence awhile.  Finally she asked....."what did you buy"?  The lady said ,"milk, bread, eggs........and I got a bottle of Bourbon for my husband."  More silence then the squaw said......"good trade."
Karrie called this morning and said they may have found the right place for me to move too.....that would be so nice.....they were going to try and go through it today......Leslie also called and said she had the solution to my problem.......move to Mesquite!  She found a place a few blocks from her......that would be so nice for winter, but I do need to be closer to my kids ad grandkids.

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