Sunday, October 26, 2014


Boy these past few tomorrows have really been full of surprises.....Gigi had another spell this morning and after the weekend stress and thinking I might lose my dog......I lost it!  I do feel better this evening after dinner with the Panniers ......AND YOU  NEVER KNOW WHAT TOMORROW WILL BRING!
A clock in a restaurant window had stopped on 12:00 o'clock.  A friend stopped to tell them their clock in the window had stopped.
"Yes"....they said.....
 "we know it."  But, you'd be surprised how many people don't know what time it is and stopped to eat......because of that is good for business.
Are you one of those people who don't know what time it is in your life?  Are you stopped by "stopped clocks" in your life?  Wake up......take aware of the many clocks in your attention to what time it really is.  "REMEMBER TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!"

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