Friday, October 31, 2014


Well, here we are again......HAPPY HALLOWEEN......I bought a little candy (something I like when no one comes)......and at 8;00 no Trick or Treaters have come by.   May turn off my lights and just go watch TV.  Pam and Kar came over this morning and went to town on the office......I really appreciate their help, even though I will never miss all they threw helped.  Then just as I was getting ready to head out to the "GOOD WILL" to unload a car full of stuff two of my very old friends called and were on their way over to visit......Carol and  Susan have been friends........ forever.......they were both married to Western Air Line pilots and we did a lot of fun things together back both their pilot husbands are dead and we fit in together again with me being divorced!  I look back at so many memories of fun Halloween parties with the kids and the dozens of Halloween costumes I have sew en in my it is just another day.  It was a beautiful warm day, but they are warning cold and snow are headed our way this weekend......Baby shower tomorrow for Tiff!.......and more packing!

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