Tuesday, October 21, 2014


I wake up every morning lately and tell myself  "Betty you are the luckiest person on earth".......to have the wonderful family you have that cares and take such good care of you.......spent the morning going over the details of my new home down to the detail of picking the tile, colors, cabinets color etc. etc. etc. We walked through the model that is coming along and I could see where my furniture will fit......only need to get rid of a few things.....I now am starting to get a little bit excited about the new place.
It is going to be a very busy Fall.....here is my cute granddaughter Tiffany showing everyone how fast my great-grandson is growing.....I think the May wedding of Lindsey and Alex will now be December 13th!  AND my missionary Richie will be home January 20th and a temporary moving date of March sometime?????  just when I was planning a quiet Fall my kids and grandkids stepped in and changed things.......
I find we don't need the courage to face life's big test.  What we need is courage to meet life's little tests.....We need the courage to follow our own routine, to stick to our plans for life and keep going day after day......and hour after hour till we are at peace that we have handled our lives........ " my way".

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