Monday, October 20, 2014


This is all that is really important to remember "It's today".....take it enjoy it!  And thank God for it.  Just talked to my little sister for some comfort that I can really handle what is ahead for me...MOVING!
Done it before, but was much younger!  I took down all the family pictures and packed them away today and slowly moving on....YES, I can do it. There is always that question....."but what if I need it someday?"  I guess that fear is the reason we hold on to clutter.  Also getting attached to the children's drawings or prom dresses have a magical essence is natural because we see our personal history through them......take a picture of them and pass them on.  You will always have the memory that way.....follow the rule; something in....something out.....oh sure!  One bright spot in going through all "my stuff'....I have found some interesting things ......old pictures, old letters and some  interesting things I wrote long ago.  Love it.  Heard from both my missionaries today and that always makes my day. Well, there is always tomorrow and more packing.

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