Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Yep....Don  crashed his airplane and he and Coco walked away!  I woke up this morning to a text that said....." Call me....Don crashed his airplane"...I called  Sher and she told me it was on the KSL news last night....I had been watching Fox!  Something wrong with the plane when he left Alpine Wyoming where we have a cabin.....not mine any more......went into the Bountiful airport where he circled  a few times to get someone's attention and finally landed his airplane very fast .....jumping a ditch and running into a  hanger to stop!!!!  He walked away  Saw it all on face book where someone who noticed him and filmed it all.....Do you know how many hours this man has in airplanes of every kind of airplanes?  My thirty years of marriage to him....I always played second fiddle to his love of planes and the time he spent in them with the Air National Guard and Western Airlines...later Delta.  BUT my son-in-law who is a pilot, told me this morning.....any plane crash you can walk away from is a good crash!  I am happy he was able to do this and at 85 I hope he will give up flying....but I wouldn't bet on it as no one tells him what to do!!!!!

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