Sunday, October 5, 2014


My two youngest grandchildren.....Ken 16 and Scottie 13....Taken this weekend.  Ken got to stay all night with his favorite people Aunt Karrie and was a good break from his grandmother who has been tending for 9 days and has 5 more to go.......Nice break to run home and read mail and water plants and then back to Vernal today.  Al's yellow truck lost it's steering so he borrowed a truck from his grandpa BUD to get us back to Vernal.......only did not have the back seat like Al' the three of us squeezed into the cab.....and I held Gigi on my lap for three hours home......poor Lillie and Macie had to ride in the back.....thank goodness it was nice fall weather.  We watched conference when we got home and then were invited over to the Labrums for dinner and help Porsha celebrate her birthday. A nice evening.....home to do the chores and settle in for the weekly routine.  A fun email from Sherrie in Peru......they were listening to conference and tomorrow off to Lake Titicaca for a couple of days before flying home.......wonderful trip!

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