Saturday, October 25, 2014


Here are two of my favorite people......My Nicci and her Bill and expressing Fall in such a great manner......Sun Flowers so say Fall!  I so understand her spirit in life.  As I face this great change in my life I ask myself "Betty how can anything so so good?" Sherrie came in Friday to help me pack some things up...Darren came by with one of his workers to see what can or has to be done to my house to get top dollar....David Dee had many good ideas as he flips houses a lot for Darren and Rich came over and you would not believe what went first they were going to move me out immediately and start working on it.....I think the girls could see my stress level rise as I wanted to spend Christmas here then begin the whatever they think I should be doing......well the girls won and I spend Christmas here then move every thing out and let them begin..... HELLO.......they have not even dug the hole for my new house!!! We are looking at March some time if we are lucky.  So I guess the first part of January I will move out......tend for Sher while they go to Hawaii......move in with Pam and Rob a week or two and hopefully my little sister will let me come visit two or three weeks in February and then back to Pam's a few weeks in March till move in time......Of course this seems to change by the day......The girls and I did get a ton of packing and throwing away a huge pickup full that we dumped off at the DI this morning.....They filled my garage full of boxes so I can keep at it....with their help.  Then the fun part we finally pinned Alex down...Wedding the 13th of December in the Salt Lake Temple.  Darren and Sherrie giving the luncheon afterwards at the Joseph Smith building.....we  (Karrie, Sherrie, Annie and I) checked out the room and got the menus etc.....then off to lunch at the Cheese Factory at City Center Mall.....and shopped for a outfit for the mother of the groom. Karrie and Annie fixed her up good with two it was a success.  Am I tired tonight?????  OH YES and will not be waiting up for Alex to get home to sleep over.  But a good day.

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