Monday, September 29, 2014

LET IT GO......

  "LET IT GO"     Whatever someone has done to you is going to be........Attracted right back to them at some point!  You are not involved in this process.......It's simple law of attraction.....Stop carrying it around and let the universe take care of it........Good, Bad or Indifferent.....Their stuff.....Their lesson."  I found this quit a comforting thought and will work on it.........
What if your life has lots of excitement, but you're never relaxed or content? Or visa versa?  You are the only one who can judge where you are in life......Many people are mostly promotion or mostly prevention and are happy that way.  So check your status.....I find that life has become more about pursuing peace and contentment than being pumped up and excited about everything......and find there is nothing wrong with that as I age. I don't feel I am missing out on happiness; my happiness has evolved, just as I have........  Marriage, babies, travel etc. I have done a lot........And even though this new version might seem a bit more low-key.....and it is..... that doesn't mean it's less wonderful or any less satisfying.  It simply means that I am coming to terms with my age, aches and capabilities......and enjoying all the good stuff I still have going on in my going to lunch with my second grandson today.

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