Sunday, September 28, 2014


  Well, here I am baby sitting and nothing much to do.....the boys are 21 and 16 and are really taking care of me!  So I eat to pass the time......I know how this poor lady feels.  A two pound box of candy should never make you gain 5 pounds, but if you added a few cookies and chips along with it......maybe??
Good words from a massage therapist who has seen a lot of naked bodies......adults doesn't matter how fit they are.  Every decade, an adult sags a little more.  All the tissue hangs a little looser and they wrinkle too.  He does not know who started the rumor that just old people wrinkle because as soon as you are grown  it starts and continues as long as you live. Lean people have a kind of rawboned, unfinished look about them that is very appealing.  But they don't have plump round breasts and a plump round behind.....and those who do also have a plump round belly and plump round thighs as well.  Woman have cellulite....all of them.  It's dimply and cute and not a defect,   Men have silly buttocks.   They are kind of scrawny and the tissue is jumpy because it's unpadded; not attractive at all.....So now I feel a little better about the strange things going on in this 82 year old body......I'm normal!
Enjoying a lazy day with my boys.

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