Friday, September 5, 2014


The integrity of the upright shall guide them.......Proverbs 11:3

           Found this little picture with some........ where they were saying everyone has a double in life......In my opinion this picture tells it all!  Can't imagine we have to put up with all his s----, for another two years.   Someone said.....if you can't fight it.....join it.....if I did,...... would I get everything for free the rest of my life?  Medical.....Housing.....Food Stamps etc. etc.
          Does Obama have character?  Have you every watched an icicle form?  Did you notice how the dripping water froze, one drop at a time, until the icicle was a foot long or more?  If the water was clean, the icicle remained clear and sparkled brightly in the sun, but if the water was slightly muddy, the icicle looked cloudy its beauty spoiled.
         In just this manner our character is formed.......each thought or feeling adds its influence.  Each decision we make----about matters both great and small----contributes.    Every bit that we take in into our minds and they impressions, experiences, visual images, or the words of create our character.   (Do I dare question what and where "that man" got what shaped his character)....... I know that we must remain concerned at all times about the "droplets" that we allow to drip through our lives and our children.  Acts that develop habits of love, truth, and goodness silently mold and fashion us into the image of God.
       I am so sick of Obama and his whining about Isis, the border, IRS, Bengazi.......all he wants to do is make speeches and play golf!  

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