Thursday, September 18, 2014

A LITTLE ODD.........

 How many of us is guilty letting just one person ruin our day?  This gives you something fun to think about it!
Have you ever said of someone....."they really are odd"?  Odd compared to what?  If a person does not act or think or do what we do does that make them odd......or just different.
"Some people seek wisdom in tea leaves......some are the sort to never leave a dish in the sink, while others are lifelong breeders of dust bunnies......some hate spiders while others keep pet iguanas.  Though these behaviors may seem odd at first, they are the very idiosyncrasies that make us human.    Rising from the bedrock of our personality and shaped by our varied environments, these quirks ensure that we are all peculiar......and, as such, not peculiar at all."  Who are we to judge what is odd or not odd.  Psychologists  who study personalities say they can predict our general outlook on life by analyzing five factors in our personalities.  CONSCIENTIOUSNESS.....AGREEABLENESS.....NEUROTICISM.....OPEN TO EXPERIENCE......EXTRAVERSION!    We all have these....... but each one has each one in a different degrees and that is what makes us different......... but not peculiar at all or odd!
"I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions."  (A. Burroughs)

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