Saturday, March 1, 2014


Gosh he is cute.......and all mine.  This is my third grandson, Brayden Chistenson.
Ken and Brayden are here for the weekend and are so fun to be with.  Brayden is eager to do chores for me and is so full of fun ideas about his life. He has such a good attitude about life....... He took Ken and I to breakfast this morning, then of to car racing with Ken and cute cousin Annie.  The boys and I went down to Fashion Place Mall to shop a little them both a new shirt.  Off to the Spaghetti Factory for dinner with Annie.  We all have such a good time together. 
On Facebook this morning some pictures of the Panniers enjoying their vacation in Argentina.........Talked to Cooks in Las Vegas......rainy and cold the same as it is here.  Word that the Christenson's have hooked up with Alex and will be there for his release tomorrow.  Glad everyone is having a good vacation.
Patty and I spent 3 hours yesterday in McDonalds having coffee????.......or not, but we did get a lot of problems solved......or just didn't want to go home.

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