Wednesday, March 5, 2014

YEA.....HE'S COMIN' HOME........

I may never understand how you can get a picture from Brazil on a cell phone .......if I live to be a hundred!  We spent most of yesterday trying to co-ordinate when Sherrie could get us and we were going to use my Ipad to FACETIME it!  That is Brayden was going to......I am an interested by-stander.......and haven't a clue what they are doing........anyway it wouldn't work, so he went to the phone.  Well finally late afternoon the first picture came through on Brayden's phone.....we could see them, but they could not see us at that is the first picture of a happy mom and her missionary.......Alex.  Alex looked and was very tired.  They had flown from his mission to RIO, took a train, a bus, a taxi and finally rented a car and they said they wore him out "translating" for them!  Today they were off to play tourist and see the IZ-something falls that are so famous.......a couple more days and we can all hug him.  The other picture is one Sherrie put of Facebook.  He looks great and you can tell how happy mom and dad are.......
Another beautiful day in off to school......doing laundry......and going to get brave enough to drive down town and visit the new JOANS that opened yesterday......oh yes, and keep an eye on the cows and horses out back..

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