Tuesday, March 25, 2014


You know how some pictures just tell it all....this one does it for me.  I went out and bought a bouquet of daffodils today for my bridge luncheon tomorrow.....they just add so much sunshine to the room,,,,,,,this little fox seems to know that Spring is just around the corner.  Today was 75 degrees in Salt Lake.....warmest day of the new year with a forecast of cold and snow the next two days ugh.
I try to think what really keeps me going.....I guess it is thinking positive and reading positive helpful hints to spur me on......such as ; "Be around the people you want to be like----because you will be like the people you are around."......."YOUR THOUGHTS ARE THE ARCHITECTS OF YOUR DESTINY".....You should always have big goals and never give up.   "Life is a one time offer....Use it well" and "You are far to smart to be the one thing standing in your way."  "CHANGE THE WAY YOU SEE THINGS, AND THE THINGS YOU SEE WILL CHANGE."......This really made me stop and think how we get locked in in our thought process and never step out of the box, maybe be to our advantage to take another look sometimes.  "EVERYONE YOU KNOW IS FIGHTING SOME KIND OF BATTLE......BE KIND".  This I know, after an afternoon of bridge and listening to every one's stories there isn't one person I'd
change places with.  "TIME HAS A WONDERFUL WAY OF SHOWING US WHAT REALLY MATTERS." YES.....time has softened the loss of my parents, the hurt from the divorce after 30 years, the growing up and moving on of the children......time is a wonderful blessing.  "AGE IS AN ISSUE OF MIND OVER MATTER.....IF YOU DON'T MIND...IT DON'T MATTER".....I don't mind getting older....everyone does....I just hope I can stay well and mentally alert.  "SOME TIMES WHEN YOU CLIMB THE LADDER OF SUCCESS YOU FIND IT IS LEANING AGAINST THE WRONG WALL"......To me being a success is having lots of friends and a family that loves you.....and your health!

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