Thursday, March 27, 2014


JUST GOT A CALL FROM BRAYDEN......WHO JUST OPENED HIS MISSION  CALL......down in LA......AND TOLD ME HE WOULD BE OFF TO THE SPOKANE MISSION IN WASHINGTON STATE.  Of course I always cry at good news and I couldn't tell if he was excited or not, I was just happy it was not Russia or Ukraine or somewhere scary!   His brother went to Brazil and I worried a lot, his father went to's all good. I have spent quite a lot of time with Brayden lately......driving back and forth to Vernal and we talk about his dreams and ambitions!  He is so full of dreams and fun ambitions and inventions and setting up a Fun Land in Vernal......I know he can and will follow his dreams.  He wants to go to college and become an engineer......since he was little he is known for tearing things apart to see what made them work.  He will be working in an area of many engineers who work on or around Boeing and who are on Brayden's level of  thinking and interests.....God sent him there for a reason......this I believe and I know he will be a wonderful missionary! I will be very lonesome for him, but I am happy he feels he needs to give two years to the church. MY BLESSING ARE WITH YOU.....gram

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