Saturday, March 22, 2014


Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has encouraged us to pray for opportunities to serve: "In your morning prayer each new day, ask Heavenly Father to guide you to recognize an opportunity to serve one of His precious children.  Then go throughout the day.....looking for someone to help."  I love this can not do everything for everyone......but you can do one thing for someone.....and they can do one thing.....etc. etc .etc. I have been practicing this lately and find it very rewarding.  Taking a friend for a colonoscopy, picking up some one's paper for several days and smiling and saying thank you lots.
Yesterday after getting my income tax taken in......always stressful and a relief......I decided I needed a McDonald's stopped by across the street.  I was happily munching away when this very elderly man with a cane came in and looked around ......I had my Ipad so didn't pay much attention..... soon I see him setting at a table near by reading a little book and having coffee.  Pretty soon I finished and started gathering things up to leave.....he motioned me over......was I leaving? he started gather up his things to move to my I got his cane and coat and sun glasses and helped was nothing and I didn't have to do it.....but I think he appreciated it.......I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS AT HIS FAVORITE TABLE OR I WOULD HAVE MOVED WHEN HE CAME IN......he was very old!  As I age I know I take all the help I can get from other caring people.
Off to see the movie Son of God with my fun friend Shirley.  It's trying so hard to be Spring!

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