Monday, March 17, 2014


Happy BIG 35th Anniversary to Pam and Rob......Oh yes, and Happy St Patricks Day too!......Rob is even wearing green here in Minnesota at Nicci's wedding run.  35 years ago today I was a mess......doing a wedding......all my family arriving for it.....and trying to get the family ready to leave for Europe in a day.
My little brother got drunk and was a night mare and never got invited to anymore of our weddings.  My sweet father was glad to leave and get back to his peace and quiet......But we all survived and it was a beautiful wedding at the McCune Mansion in Salt Lake..........and these two are doing great.  Just moved into a new back from a fishing trip in Argentina and enjoying weekends at their "BARN".....cabin in Idaho.   The family is raised and out on their own and they love Bree their puppy.  HAPPY ANNIVERSARY AND MANY MORE.

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