Tuesday, March 4, 2014


You have to believe there is that big world out there that is waiting to be explored........I really tried to do it all in my 82 years, but have slowed down and now I let the TV, Computer and Ipad explore it for me.......  OH YES......and google!............... In the comfort of my home.
Every day fun messages are emailed to me, that I can answer by a push of a button on the computer.  BUT, my favorite is my Face Book account.........  Day by day it changes with the new things my family, their families, cousins, aunts, nieces and nephews and friends are doing.  My cute niece Kristi Ramsey has a fun life in the Police Department.  Niece Tami Norton
referees balls games.  Cousin Freda Yeomans shares the yummiest recipes.  Even my cousin's (on the Goff side) daughter keeps me entertained by her very provocative life......even though I have never met Rose........she lets you know her moods.  My sweet niece Korina shares her interests in many things and keeps us posted on her two daughters and son.
I talk to my sister regularly on the phone but her four children and her 15 grandchildren are all posting pictures and their latest doings.  These things we could not cover in our phone calls. Then......there are my three granddaughters posting cute pictures of their animals, husbands for Tiffany and Nicci and fun cheer pictures of latest dates from the youngest one Annie. Up dates from my two missionaries and fun sport pictures from the younger ones.  These are all things that would keep their mother's very busy trying to keep "grammie" up to date!  Yes, thank you to the people that came out with the Face Book......it makes my day.
Now that the Winter Olympics in Russia are over it seems PUTIN wants to start a war over the Ukrane......that is all that is on the news and of course Obama doesn't know shit from shine-o-la......and we will probably just sit here an watch it happen.
Well, better start thinking about something for the boys dinner.

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