Tuesday, March 18, 2014


I think this is so true.......Unless you know how to program everything you think, feel and see into those magic cell phones or Ipads!!!!!  Which I don't........and let your fingers do the walking!  I still make lists and lists and lists to remind me what to do today.....this week.....or this month....However, at my age if I can't remember a name, place or thing......I can just kinda lie and say........"I am having a Senior Moment." I learned very young Honesty is the best policy.......except when it isn't!
Does the truth always set you free? ......Or can it be a huge, crazy-making pain?  If I want to lie a little to get along, am I betraying myself?  "I am sorry, I would really love to help you move......but, I am busy!"........"No, I can't help that day....I have a dentist appointment!"......... "Oh, I already contributed to that?".........are these kinda lies to get you out of doing something you really don't want to do?
Is it that lying is easier than honestly---that it has the magical power to spare feelings, preserve comfortable assumptions, and make us appear less flawed than we are.....But truth is like fresh, clear air, while lies are like smog that poisons our psyches and interactions. Your life is a sphere and as the lines move out from you .....your closet relationships...... the next ring out, followed by friends, acquaintances, strangers, and psychotic dictators.  In the realm nearest you, you want pure, healthy honest air.  Moving away from the center, the clarity of truth becomes less necessary.
Bottom line.....always tell yourself the truth. Dishonesty in this relationship is at best counterproductive, at worst catastrophic.  Denial.....as they say, ain't just a river in Egypt.......If you want your life to work, tell yourself the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!
IF....your desperate to kill a relationship......lie!

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