Thursday, March 6, 2014


CHANG RAI, THAILAND.......My dream of an adventure!!!!!!  We stayed in a beautiful hotel on the river bank where we caught a ride down past water buffalo's, little villages with lots of kids and dogs. To the Elephant village.  We played with the baby elephants feeding them sugar cane.....then a large group of us got aboard our elephants and took a long ride across the river and into the jungle......what a thrill!  When we got through with our ride the white oxen carts were there to take us back to the village.  We watched the elephant show and had lunch then boarded the bamboo rafts and floated three miles down the river to meet our bus.  What a morning and we were not through..........
I never dreamed I would meet these interesting people.......The Long Neck Tribe Karen of Baan Nam Peing Din.......We visited their village and they were all ......and more......than I had envisioned from their pictures in the National Geographic Magazine I read about them in.  They were friendly, let us take pictures and buy some souvenirs.  The many rings are started when they are young and do not stretch their necks longer but push their shoulders down......and I am not sure why the women do it.....maybe they think they look nice.   One of the older ladies we had our pictures with was in the National Geographic and on many post cards in the stores.  The cultures are so  different and the people......different and yet the same as us. The different tribes of hill people we visited are all very poor , but seem happy with their lives and hard workers.

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