Thursday, March 6, 2014

CHAPTER 32.....More Thailand

Moving on to CHANG RAI, THAILAND......Like I said unless you are a whiz with words it is so hard to explain what you have again some great pictures of me "being there ......doing that......At all the markets they sold many kinds of bugs, worms and flying things.  They gave you a paper plate piled high with them and people ate them like we do French fries????  They were very cheap......and yes, I tasted a worm but wasn't thrilled by it!
The homes in the small villages were strung out everywhere.  All bamboo and thatched to the weather a lot.  If you got a peek inside a home it was sparse and humble with dirt floors and mats to sit on. The children worked hard to help the family eat.  They fished, hunted small animals and worked in the fields......they were usually the ones selling souvenirs. The older people seemed by in charge of the babies or small children.   In one village where there were hot pools of water, the children put several chicken eggs in a net on a pole and put it in the water and you could buy a hard boiled egg from them!  The children were very inventive.
This map show the GOLDEN TRIANGLE we got to on this trip where we spent a day in Burma (Myanmar) and we hopped into a long boat and went to a village for the afternoon in LAOS.  So close to Viet Nam......but I didn't get there just down the Meking Delta to Laos.  Yes, I can honestly say I saw more and learned more about our wonderful world on this trip than many of my others.......GO TO THAILAND!!

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