Saturday, March 29, 2014


Yes, at this time in my life I really don't like change.......but the older I get the more things seem to change in my life!  Not that I was ever into pole dancing......but that to changes????  I don't find change scary.....just can be exciting, rewarding and even fun! It seems we are biologically built to resist it and cling to our comfort some times becomes a challenge for some of us.  There were so many things that I USE to do without thinking much about them......yard work, entertaining or flying through the house work.....not so much now.....I have to plan so much every day to get through it all.   But I am beginning to accept that I am not able to do as much as I use it relieves a lot of stress and anxiety and opens the door to making a smart plan for change.  I have "to-do" lists all over the place......every transition has three phases;  an ending, a "neutral zone" that is in between time after one chapter ends and a new one is about to begins and a new beginning.  Experts in this recommend......breaking a change into 10% increments.....Make small goals each week....and before you know it, you'll have mastered a big change that once seemed over-whelming.   Very few people get through life without a few changes......and you will realize they have made you stronger in the end.......As traumatic as it was at the time divorce after 30 years of marriage.......made me a new and exciting person and changed my life completely.  You just change your way of thinking on the positive like.....I KNOW HOUSE WORK NEVER KILLED ANYONE......BUT WHY TAKE A CHANCE!
Just talked to Karrie....Sherrie, Darren and Sam flew home today.......Brayden, Alex and Greg are driving Sherrie's new convertible home tonight....The cooks and Ken will fly home tomorrow night!  Disney Land was closed last night at 10:00 because a 5.1 earthquake!!!!!

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