Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Well, got all my kids home yesterday from their trips to South America.  This is what Rob and Pam went to Argentina for......go fishing......and that is one of the specimens.   They had a very good time and I was happy they could see the great culture of that country.  They met fun people, ate interesting food, and saw some great scenery.......Pam rode horses a couple of days which was exciting for her......and they arrived home tired.
Are you a KINDA----SORTA.....ALMOST ......MOSTLY.....CLOSE ENOUGH......kind of person?  Are you never quit sure of what you want or where your going next......or do you really NOT care?  If you give someone a choice of food, evening out, what to wear.....9 our of 10 times you get and answer "I don't care".  Do you really not care or are you just afraid to speak up?
One man was so bad about "I don't care".....that when his wife asked him what he wanted for lunch and she got his usual answer......she was fed up.  So, she put a cold pancake between two pot holders and put the plate in front of him!  I don't know.....but after that I bet he had a choice.....ham, turkey, tuna or cheese maybe. 
DON 'T be a KINDA....SORTA ......MAYBE  person, take charge of your life and start making some good decisions.

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