Monday, March 10, 2014


NO, TRUST does not come with a refill!  Thus little sign says it all.  If some one earns back your will never be the same.  I have talked to other friends you have been through a divorce and their stories are the same as mine.  This is also true of the Church and Government officials.  How do you trust your President of the United States when he tells you one thing and does something else?  Or a close friend tells something you share with her that was in confidence.  I guess this is a lesson we should learn when we are young......but we don't...... as children we have no reason not to trust.....until.....until it happens to you!  I always trusted in people and had to learn the hard way done by some one I loved......You heal, but you don't jump back into the same situation again if you can help it.  You learn to move on one day at a time.
Been such a busy glad to get our missionary Alex  and his parents home from Brazil. This morning I picked up the Panniers ......home from Argentina.  So much fun hearing all about their nice to not being  the one doing the traveling that far again.  Having been to Argentina and Brazil I can relate to what they tell me.  So tired just been sleeping the past two days.

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