Sunday, March 2, 2014


The latest picture of my cute second granddaughter....Nicci Pannier Trovinger......She is with General Mills in MN and has been working in the cereal department these past few months and seems to be pretty good friends with the Cherrio character..... Mr. Lucky Charms.........she has been moved to the Green Giant Vegetable department now so I expect to see her hanging with the Jolly Green Giant next!!!
        Some times I feel like I'm a fruit loop in a world full of cherrios?.......but I know this is the TIME, the PLACE, the MOMENT, in which I am meant to be.  I try to believe the time I spend wasting is not wasted time? 
        SO, Dear Past;  Thank you for all the lessons.  Dear Future:  I am ready.......
        Lazy Sunday with the boys watching TV and tonight the Acadamy Awards are on.  Made a roast and invited Annie but she is busy.....watered Pam's plants and checked out a couple of movies for the boys.   Off to Vernal tomorrow.  Tiff picking up Pam's dog today.

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