Friday, March 21, 2014


II love this message......and I need to print it up for each of my grandchildren to read every day........You have to decide what you want and start working toward it with all your may take awhile and you should not get discouraged........IF YOU DO NOT GO AFTER WHAT YOU WANT YOU WILL NEVER HAVE IT.........How will you know what is available for you unless you ask......maybe you will get a few NOS, but eventually you will get at yes........IF YOU DO NOT ASK YOUR ANSWER WILL ALWAYS BE NO......And if you just dream of success or fame or being rich......... whatever you want if you do not step toward it you will never get it,...........  usually things are not just handed to you freely.......IF YOU DO NOT STEP FORWARD YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN THE SAME PLACE........
When I was young I always wanted to those days women didn't have much chance to do it.  Early on  I wanted to be a STEWARDESS.....I had to wait until I was 21, have two years or more of college and take two years of a foreign language, not wear glasses, not be overweight etc. etc. etc.  Well, I set my sights on that and felt qualified by the time I was 21.......I went to Denver and put my application for a stewardess in with every airline that flew into Denver.....United, American, Western, Frontier and Continental......I JUST WANTED TO BE A STEWARDESS........and just waited till one of them called me in to interview.  Frontier called, I was accepted and my dream came true.......I really feel this is good advice for everyone......."Ask and ye shall receive".......
YEAAAAA.......turned in my income tax today and got my drivers license yesterday so all set for a great weekend!

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