Wednesday, March 12, 2014

STILL EXCITED................

One happy grandmother, mother....Sherrie and aunt.....Karrie...... to Alex as he got off that airplane on Saturday 8th, 2014........from two year mission in Brazil.  He looks so good, all grown up and now 21 years old.
HE IS HOME AND LOOKIN' GOOD!!  Sherrie's three cute and fun boys.  Kennedy.....Alex......Brayden.  Brayden will be turning in his mission papers Sunday 16th......Alex homecoming day....... and plans to leave in July.......Another sad day for Grammie.
Talked to all three of the girls today.....Sherrie is sick,......Pam is sick......and Scottie has strep throat.  Guess I won't be visiting them for a couple of days.....Had a really good winter so far.

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