Friday, March 7, 2014


LIFE.......I LOVE IT!  I guess you just have to live one day at a time and have faith you are doing God's will...........For the past week I have been with the Christenson boys......and I love them more every day.  They are kind and good and helpful and take very good care of their grammie!  Tomorrow their parents get home from Brazil with big brother Alex.  I have been in Vernal a week with them and my heart is so full of "thankfulness" for so many things.  Number one......I have made some new friends.........Mike and his wife who are Darren's barn foreman and his wife.  They have offered to take me to lunch, bring in lunch, take the boys and I to dinner and just a while ago they showed up on the front porch with a little rose plant and  card saying GOOD FRIEND........Well, that was just toooo much for me.  I thanked them, shut the door and couldn't stop crying.....their kindness just over whelmed me as I have done nothing for them.  They said because of me they had this nice family they work for and I was a really good grandmother.......You like to think so, but when these little old people with not much in their life take time out to be so kind......I JUST LOST IT!  So nice to know there are still such wonderful people somewhere in the world. They are very excited Alex is home after two years and have made a dozen signs and banners to put around the farm.  I will tie some yellow ribbons on the old oak tree!
Also.....all week as I sit at the table and work on the computer I have watched the cows and horses that live in the back pasture.  Well there are two mothers, two little black babies and two yearlings.  Well, the babies keep following the one mother so I thought she had, they just like hanging together.  The one baby was sick and in a pen with it's mother a couple of days, but it romping around the pasture this morning.....I am happy for that.  And the horses are right in the back yard and fun to watch them.   The weather was so awesome this morning.....big rain last night and the eerie fog was over the lake and hill out back.....great view.....Another day another adventure.......

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