Monday, March 17, 2014


Happy St. Patrict's Day........Couldn't find a green shirt to wear.....but Walmart was full of some very interesting green-ish people!  Just had to wish Maxine a Happy Day.....She is my hero.....I need a hat like hers.......and maybe an attitude?
Well lots of hugging going on since Alex got home from his mission......I love him so much.  Yesterday went to his Home Coming in Vernal and got two or three more hugs.  The whole family turned out for it.........Right in the middle of the church on the 5th row was Grandpa Bud and his girls friend (Darren's father)......on the end of the bench and down on the other end Darren's mother by his brother.....In the row behind.....on the end was grandpa Don (Sherrie's  dad) and in the middle her mother with the grandsons......I guess one big happy family even though no body lives together or speaks half the time.  Guess it is good that we have kids and grandkids that keep "the tie that binds".......Great family weekend and the Christensons really out-did themselves making us feel at home.

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