Thursday, March 27, 2014


It really makes a Mom proud when all the girls support each others kids and are as proud of them as parents and grandparents are.  Last night was Andrea's last night to perform and off today for Cheer Competition in LA .......Sherrie and Alex were in town from Vernal and Pam came by after she got off fun to be with all three girls there with me.  It is so nice to have Alex home from his mission.  I had bridge at my house yesterday which is always very busy, then the kids came in from Vernal and we ordered pizza and then off to Brighton High to watch Annie perform.......very tired.  I got up at 4;00 this morning to get the group off to Disney Land where they will meet Darren and the other boys for a weekend together at Disney Land......and inherited Izzy and Marley for the weekend.   Very cold and rainy today......snow in the mountains.   Off to dinner with Pam.

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