Thursday, February 27, 2014


This is such an important time in my life........It's my time to reflect and redirect. This is my time to fully picture my beautiful future----a powerful step toward making it happen.   My time to choose my next move, the one that will take me to great places as my next birthday is breathing down my neck. 
   Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.......
Positive thinking goes a long way.  Be a positive influence.  Promote compassion, love being a friend, embracing others' differences from yours, lending a hand, being  there for someone instead of promoting gossip, hate, ignorance, being unkind, judgmental etc.  I hope I have raised my girls to think and be positive.
Karrie called and invited me to lunch........".I haven't seen you all week Mom".........A bowl of soup at ZUPPAS, one of our favorites.  It is so wonderful when your busy children take time to be with you and share what is going on in their lives and the fun things the grandchildren are doing.  I feel Karrie's love and concern and the great bond we have.  I am a lucky Mom.
Talked to Lucille......yesterday was Brian's birthday and they were off to dinner tonight.  Talked to Leslie and she was excited about getting a job at the Eurecka Conceino.

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