Monday, February 10, 2014


I just love life......spent the day shopping with Pam for things for her new know my middle name is "SHOP"......Ikea, Penny's, Schells, R.C. Willey's.......looking for rugs, bookcases, desks or whatever.....I found some stools for my kitchen counter and I was not even looking for anything!.....Stopped at "the  Paradise " for lunch.   A fun day with your oldest daughter.....yes.  She will be moving out Friday after 6 months in the basement waiting for her new home to be built. 
     No ......there is no one out there that I am competing with to be better.....not even the Kmart lady.   Each day I just try to be a better me!......and I hope my kids realize that that?????
   Reading ....."The Witness Wore Red"...This wonderful mother of 19 had nothing but could teach her children each day something good.  They finally got a break from their life as slavery.....she took the children up behind the school and carefully un-picked a feather pillow and told the children to scatter the feathers in the wind which was great fun to the children......the she told them to go gather them up.....and they tried with the dead leaves, twigs and dirt.   Then she sat them down and said: "Words are like feathers,,,,It is so easy for them to come out, they scatter on the wind before you know it.  But like feathers, our words are not easy to gather back again.   Once out of your mouth, you simple cannot take them all back."  We all know this for a be mindful of what you say and who you say it to!
    "The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to burn and which bridge to cross."

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