Tuesday, February 25, 2014


There seems to be two different opinions about drinking coffee.....MINE and the CHURCH.......No......I keep seeing articles from Doctors that say a couple of cups a day are good for you..... and.no worse than a couple of huge coke drinks with caffeine.  So why can't the world let everyone make their own decisions without condemning someone?  I very much enjoy a couple of cups of coffee in the morning with my paper......and I am not feeling one bit guilty about it......so many worse things I could be doing out there.........
Expresso Yourself.........Better Lattee Than Never.......Take Life one Cup at a Time........Friends Don't Let Friends Drink Bad...(.or cold)....Coffee....... Take Time To Surell The Coffee......Deja Brew......That Feeling you've had This Coffee Before.......So many coffee jokes around also.  So to everyone, to have or not to have ......a cup of coffee is up to you.
The best gift you could ever give someone is your time.....because you're giving them something
that you'll never get back!
Beautiful day 62 degrees today......Time flying for the 3 girls all traveling this weekend.  Sherrie counting the minutes till she leaves tomorrow to pick up her missionary in Brazil.....two years is a looooog time!  Panniers off to a fun adventure fishing trip to Argentina......and the Cooks off to Scottie's LaCross tournament in Las Vegas.   ME....I am hanging up my DUNNROVIN' sign!!!!

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