Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Two long years have finally passed and our first family missionary sees his family tomorrow and a Happy Birthday today to Alex Christenson.......... a big 21 years.  Sherrie and Darren left today to bring him home in a week.  Send them away as a 19 year old boy and they come home two years later a 21 year old man.  I am staying with the two little brothers.....
Today I also took the Panniers to the airport and they are on their way to Argentina to fact they crossed paths in Atlanta!!!! 
I had a great day with good friends playing bridge and having lunch at the Town Club......didn't win, but had a great time. My turn next month......groan......Been beautiful weather but have a storm coming in for the weekend.
SUCCESS IS NOT THE KEY TO HAPPINESS........HAPPINESS IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS!  If you love what your doing you will be a success................

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