Saturday, February 15, 2014


This should really say "MY BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN".............I had the best VALENTINE'S DAY ever......Flowers and candy from Panniers, Flowers and gift certificate from the Cooks, Sherrie bought me dinner.....bought all of us dinner! Karrie and kids, Sherrie and kids and I moved everything out of the basement over to Pannier's new house.  IT WAS MOVE IN DAY FOR PAM AND ROB....four cars making several trips with cute young ambitious kids lifting and running up and down the stairs ......really helped us oldies out a ton.......especially Brayden!  I am so proud of my kids so willing and working so hard........happy to help.  Karrie had been to the chiropractor twice last week so was unable to lift.....but she offered her car and ran for drinks for us, then took the two younger ones home to keep them busy. 
When the movers arrived the girls and kids and I snook off to California Pizza for lunch then over to Nordstroms to use gift certificates and shop a little.  .....even got Brayden into some wild socks......which wasn't easy.. Sher and I back with one more trip of flowers, ,coffee maker, etc. Then to meet the Cooks for dinner at LaCocina.  All of us to the Brighton Basket Ball game as Annie was being honored as a Senior Cheerleader and her folks had to present her.......Sher and I left early.....very tired but such a great Valentine's day with my kids and grandkids all pitching in with love. 
Today Sherrie and kids had to pick up some things before taking off for home.  Karrie's family checking out UVU in Provo where Annie thinks she wants to go next year.  Pam came by and we loaded her car as she was off to do chores and I may just go back to bed!

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