Wednesday, February 19, 2014

CHAPTER #30....arouund te world cont......

The  beautiful island of MALTA and the city of VALLETTA!.....Going ashore here brought back to mind......the ancient-ness and history of these small islands around the world that were fought over for many years.......each leaving it's marks and traditions very noticeable.  This island was made famous because of the movie "POPEYE"....which America loved. Valletta hugs the side of a cliff and  has a nice harbor.  The water all around was blue with good beaches and donkeys still hauled their loads up narrow streets......The people are called Maltese mixed with many British.  They are good and religious and have many old customs they pass from generation to generation.
My favorite custom there is:   When a child is a year old they set him on the floor and surround him with various things........ money, bible, boiled eggs, crucifix, books, tools or whatever the parents want.   Whatever the child seems most interested in will reveal the child's path and fortunes in adulthood.  Money to a rich future while a book expresses intelligence and possibly a career as a teacher.  If pen or pencil selected, perhaps a writer, a bible or beads, a clerical life, a hard boiled egg....... then long life with many children and a good cook.   I  love the customs of each island or country I have visited.......
Spent today with Pam looking for pillows, carpets etc. for her new home......Lunch at Sweet Tomatoes and hit a few more stores.  Went to see her new curtains and see if what we bought worked......some did......some didn't!  We got another snow storm but it melted down here and melted as fast as it fell.....Nice tonight.....but cold.  One week from today, Pam and Sherrie are both off to South American....... for different reasons.   Sherrie to pick up her Missionary and Pam on a fishing trip with her husband.......I get the dogs!


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