Monday, February 3, 2014


From many years back I remember being told to "act your age" that I look back through those can you act your age when you had never been that age before?   Such a good question!  Act your age......well, I have never been 81 before so I'm not sure I'm acting my age......not that I care much.  I was cleaning out the book case the other day and ran across a book my sister sent me.......she is only 11 years younger "What is this decimating scourge?"  Is it Aids, hate crimes, gout, or failure to post signs on the restaurant doors warning that microwave ovens are in use......No, it is a disease that's right before your eyes only you just can't see it......It's OLD AGE and I'll wager  hardly a family alive has not lost t least one precious loved one to this ruthless and debilitating scourge......
      Informative chapters:  How to find peace and happiness after the world has symbolically hurled you aside into the trash heap of life.......Although there are Worse Things than Being Older than Dirt, it still Stinks to Have Aches and Pains......Fun Things to do while you're waiting to Die Which Don't Require too Much Effort........
    See what you all have to look forward to......P day and emails from both my missionaries.  Alex excited only has three more weeks to go and Richie had been so sick he had to go to the doctor..... His Mom is worried.  My sweet Will came by to get his mail, good to see him..

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