Friday, February 7, 2014

GO USA......

Today the OLYMPICS start in SOCHI, RUSSIA!!!  Russia is a huge country, very beautiful, powerful and a almost an enemy to the USA.......competition in everything.   I have been to St. Petersburg and Odessia but things keep changing.....does anyone know RUSSIA?.......High drama around every corner. But welcome to the 22nd Olympic Games....("Putin's Games}........
Kennedy stayed all night with me while the Christenson's celebrated an early Valentines Day!  Darren will be in Mexico next weekend....... (Valentine's weekend celebrating his father's 80th birthday)......The Panniers took off for the Barn after a walk through of the new house, they sign and pay next Wednesday and move the furniture in on Valentine's Day!  They are soooo tired of my basement .....6 months the 23rd!
My little sister, Leslie called on her way to Orem for the weekend with her son and asked if we could meet for looking forward to seeing her.....I miss my siblings.  Little brother, Jim, just had a back operation in Albuquerque.  Didn't get much done today but 3 batches of laundry......... The next two weeks will be fun watching the Olympics. ..............

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