Saturday, February 1, 2014


When people tell me....."your gonna regret that in the morning"......I sleep until noon because I'm a problem solver!!!!!
The best things in life are free and you have to love that......the hugs, friends, smiles, sleep, good friends, memories, laughter and lovin' your family!  Believe there was a reason you were yourself from limitations.....if you enjoy what your doing.....keep doing it.....Magnify your life, change our map.....look around what else could you get involved in to help others and do good.....Develop a love centered map......that is a life where only love is sent out each day.
We were born to learn to love....God and everyone.  We did not come to earth to make a name for ourselves....just so time could erase it.  We didn't come to compile earthly goods for them to be parceled off and quibbled over after our death.  Love is more than our destination.  No short cuts to detours.   Love is the destination and the journey.  My mother must have learned this early in her life as she is the only person I know who truly loved everyone UNCONDITIONALLY!
Just a thought:  They say love is the best feeling.....But, I think finding a toilet when your having diarrhea is better!
Pam and I picked up the twins at the airport......they had a fun two day break in LA....on business.....glad they had fun and are home safe.  A cold snowy weekend.....did get my bills made out  and mailed today as it is the first of FEBRUARY!
All the news is the 'SUPERBOWL" tomorrow and the Olympics at "Sochi Russia" Next weekend.  Cold and snowy

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