Saturday, February 8, 2014


Simple joys can be big or small......Today Leslie made the effort to come up from Orem and take me to breakfast...... She came up from Mesquite for the weekend to take in a couple of movies the church made with her son and grandson in them.....such a good Mom and Grandma.  It was a shot in the arm on this cold, gloomy winter day.  But I am determine to find happiness in the simplest of joys........There are simple joys to be found in the most ordinary things.....a full moon, answered prayers, sharing a cup of coffee with a good friend......a chocolate doughnut!  I like to search each day for one of the small wonders in my life......Sometimes the simple joys of a day turn out to be the biggest of all miracles of all.
Think of the many lessons you have learned little at a time.....I grew up with my grandmother telling me of the "Aesop Fables" demonstrating the points in life I am glad I favorite......THE CROW AND THE PITCHER. A crow, half-dead with thirst came upon a pitcher which had once been full of water, but when the Crow put its beak into the picture he found that only very little water was left in it, and that he could not reach far enough down to get it.  He tried and tried and at last had to give up in despair......Then a thought came to him, and he took a pebble and dropped it into the pitcher.  Then he took another pebble and dropped it into the pitcher.......and another, and another and another!  At last , at last, he saw the water mount up near him; and after casting in a few more pebbles he was able to quench his thirst and save his life......Here the lesson in life is;......"Little by little does the trick."
Remember this.........

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