Sunday, February 2, 2014


What can I tell you......when it comes to football and the big Super Bowl......I am in the dark.....I do like the adds and if I am at a party I enjoy the food!  That seems to be all there is on TV this morning, but I say may the best team win!.....I have been trying to find out if the groundhog saw his shadow today, but Ground Hog Day seems to be taking a second place in the news.......maybe on the 10:00 pm news. All the kids are excited about today.
       I have always said my three girls are perfect......and oh yes, so are my nine grandchildren.  I think that somewhere deep inside all of us is the powerful longing for a perfect new generation.  Maybe since we are not perfect ourselves, we hope to a least create someone who might be.
      We all know how meticulously new parents look over their new baby to be sure there are no blemishes---no deviations from what they anticipated.  But no matter how beautiful the baby is, there are always deviations from what his or her parents anticipated.  The greater the deviation, the more those parents need to have the opportunity to mourn---mourn the loss of the image of the perfect child they dreamed they would have......They need to give up the image of having the perfect child before they can appreciate the child they really do have.......Well, maybe my kids are just human and I love them for that....... Happy Super Bowl and Ground Hogs Day!

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