Tuesday, December 31, 2013

GOOD-BY 2013

The best time to Begin is NOW!  An old proverb says, "The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago.  The second best time is now."  There is something wonderful and hopeful about the word NOW.  There is something empowering about the fact that if we choose to decide now, we can move forward at this very moment.  NOW is the best time to start becoming the person we eventually want to be---not only 20 years from now but also for all eternity.
Become your best self----starting now.......President Uchdorf teaches that "personal goals can bring out the best in us." He advises us to set some goal in two or three areas of our life.  As you ponder where you would like to grow or improve yourself, make sure the goals are attainable and will require you to grow.  God also knows that we learn and grow and become stronger as we face and survive the trials through which we must pass.  We know that there are times when we will experience heartbreaking sorrow, when we will grieve, and when we may be tested to our limits.  However, such difficulties allow us to change for the better, to rebuild our lives in he way our Heavenly Father teaches us, and to become something different from what we were----better than we were, more understanding than we were and stronger.
As I end this really bad year of government, Obama care, the constitution in jeopardy....I pray for a better year in the world.

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