Wednesday, December 25, 2013


MERRY CHRISTMAS and I hope Santa got this letter......I do have so much and know there are many out there who need homes, jobs, health, family and the list is long.  I have had a wonderful Christmas thanks to my wonderful family, I really got spoiled...  I got to Skype  with Richie in Mexico and say a few words and hear from Alex in Brazil.....Te amo and I miss you too Grammie.....YES!  The Cooks took me to Little America for dinner last night and we drove around and looked at the beautiful lights on Temple Square......The Christmas story and scriptures ended our evening.  Many presents and talking to Richie this morning was great. 
I see so many changes in my family this year.  Two boys far away on missions, Nicci missing.  Pam and Rob spending their first Christmas night alone since Tiff was born.  My sister packing to move to Mesquite closer to her daughter and one of her sons......she has been in Winslow since she got married many years ago.......this is her last Christmas there with many old friends and traditions changing.  Her daughter Kristi born and raised in Winslow moved to St. George.  There is one thing in life we can be guaranteed of and that is CHANGE!  I am going to saver the rest of the day and then start getting ready for 2014!!!!!

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