Monday, December 9, 2013


I can only imagine how proud my Mother would have been to see her grandson Mike Ramsey in the 'Savior of The World", with his wife Andrea and her two boys, Jake and Matt..  This is his 11th year preforming in it and his own sons have done it in the past.  The LDS Church puts it on every year down town  in the assembly hall. I have seen it twice and it sets the mood for Christmas if you follow it up with the beautiful lights of Temple Square.  This year the below zero temperatures have discouraged me!
Christmas is two weeks away and I think every ones promise to their children should be ....."your not responsible for my Merry Christmas".  Yes we want them all home with us every year, but they grow up and have lives of their own and we need to honor that.  I have two sweet grandsons, that I miss so much, far, far away on missions.  And my newly married Nicci wanted to spend her first Christmas in her new home with her husband.  I can understand that, and my sweet daughters are trying to understand it too!  Yes, we will miss them and should make it clear to them that no matter when they show up, it's going to be a holiday in this joint.......  Every day of the year!
Last night was a fun dinner with the Panniers and we celebrated Will's 23rd Birthday.  Today I braved the cold and the crowds and went shopping.  Bought paint for the bathroom, several last minute gifts and some groceries.  The rest of the week looks very busy

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