Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Spring has sprung, Fall has fell, Winter has come and it's colder than H----!  I thought this little poem I saw on Facebook kinda says it all.......Short and Sweet.  The cold front is over much of the U.S. and has been hanging on about a week now.......with no end in sight.  But it is winter and Christmas is a couple of weeks off so I guess it is the season.  Use to love it when I skied, but those days are over and the cold hurts my arthritis.
As the new year approaches we start thinking about how to be better and move on.  An unresolved past never really goes away until you find the courage to revisit all the pain and accept that there's nothing you can do to change the past.  What's happened has happened and what's done is done! No time for "what ifs" Which is part of human nature.
I am not what happened to me......I am what I choose to become.  Suck it up cupcake and have a nice COLD Tuesday.

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